Saturday, May 20, 2006

Soccer days come to an end

Jordan got two goals today...I was so excited! This was the last game of the season. We had a pizza party afterwards and the kids got their trophies. It was a great season with a great coach. We also loved the teammates and their parents. I hope next spring will be as good. Jordan will be moving up to the next league and the competition will increase, I am sure. She is dedicated, but not very aggressive. She is too polite to take the ball away from the other team. It's funny how we teach our kids to be polite everywhere until they take the field and then we want a blood bath.

We were going to the Hapeville street party last night, but we were just too tired. I really wanted to go and had been looking forward to it for months. We will definitely hit some of the concerts this summer. Next weekend we are going to the Renaissance Festival. We have not been able to go because of soccer, but now we will get our chance and I am looking forward to that as well.

I will be glad to be back at church tomorrow. Only one week missed and I feel like I have been away forever! Two weeks ago I did the sound board and I have to say that even though those "5 million" knobs are intimidating, I don't have to concentrate as hard as I do when I run the slideshow. Once everyone is happy with their highs, lows and monitor levels, then I can kind of relax whereas when I do the slides I have to really pay attention in case somebody decides to sing something different than the norm. Which does happen more often than not. But I do enjoy working on the tech team. It keeps me busy and keeps me from making excuses not to go.

Another tid if four phones were not the creme de la creme of communication, now I can add skype to my list of devices. We added skype in order to join the Israelisms group podcast coming up in June. So now, I have another headset in my pile of tangled wires. Oh joy!

"Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Mark Twain

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