Thursday, May 11, 2006

Shock, horror and telephones

Chris, Chris...where for art thou, Chris?

I can't believe it! I am too shocked for words (okay, not true...I am never without words). My beloved Chris is gone. How did this happen? Where are his fans? Everyone I know was sure Chris would win. Maybe it's just the crowd I hang out with. I am sure he will have a career in music now, regardless of being voted off. He is really talented. At Starbucks this morning, we were all talking about it. I sip this mocha frappacino to comfort myself and to toast Chris for a job well done.

Now, I must share something. On my desk (I work from my home office) I have four phones. Two belong to the companies I do the majority of my work for ( I have a couple of other side projects that fortunately don't involve phones). Another is my cell and the last is of course my normal garden-variety land line. When one rings I have to get out index cards and a protractor to determine how I should answer! And then, as if I don't have enough tools to communicate with, I also have at least five email accounts and a couple of instant message accounts. A few years back I decided to "simplify" my life. Have I succeeded? NO!

Another thing about telephones (remind me to complain to Alexander Graham Bell the next time I see him), I get these strange calls from time to time. They leave me suspicious. People are always telling me that I read too much into to things. I am sure they are right. But, if anyone out there is calling and not identifying themselves...SAY SOMETHING!!! If you want to me...I have the tools and I have the talent.

"It can even be a single note which defines the entire song." Leon Redbone

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