Friday, May 05, 2006


Yipee it's Friday. I should be more excited, but I am not because this weekend looks to be very busy. We have soccer. We are helping Suzanne move. And then there is church on Sunday. I am nervous about church because Rex won't be there and anything that goes wrong will be on my head...AHHH!!! I am sure everything will be fine as long as there are no power surges. The sound board scares me when I am very afraid. I see technically inept people!

I have to tell about two weird things I have done since childhood. These are very strange and I really don't notice them much anymore. The first is that I always imagine someone is with me. Not your typical imaginary friend sort of thing. No, this is a real person that I imagine somehow has the ability to be invisible and watch me. Now this person changes all the time. It could be my mom, an old boyfriend or anybody really. It's just whoever is on my mind at the time or what I am doing may remind me of that person. I have done this since I was very small. I was an only child (well, until I was 16 anyway) so I guess I just started doing this and it became a habit. I don't really know how to break it or if it really matters, but anyway that is weird thing #1.

Now, #2 is not as strange, but still something I have done since I was itty bitty. When I watch TV, I tend to turn my head to one side. Now my hearing and vision seem to be the same on both sides, but for some reason I have always done this. My head turns to the right so that my left ear and eye are more towards the TV. I don't think I do it at movies (I am not sure), but I definitely do it with television. And especially when the show is very intense. When I notice I am doing it (or if someone mentions it to me) then I always correct myself. But most of the time I don't even notice. How weird is that???

"In fact, I would go so far as to say that I am playing emotions and expressing them in a coherent public language called music." John Fahey - Musician extraordinaire

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