Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mothers Day!

What a great day! We went to Atkins Park Tavern in The Vinings and had lunch to celebrate Mom's day. The food was good, but the company was great. My Mom, Dad, Suzanne, Josh, Jordan and myself always have a wonderful time and a lot of laughs. The restaurant was giving out crocuses to the moms (my personal favorite bulb). We then went back to Suzanne's new condo for a bit and then dropped by Josh's apartment for a minute before heading home. It was a great Mom's day for me. Josh (okay, actually Jenn did the shopping) gave me a gift bag with all kinds of burt's bees stuff and a book and some other goodies.

I have to say, however, that the real treasure is my kids. That is what being a mom is all about. I have good kids. They are loving, kind and really smart. Josh is a Ga. Tech math major and Jordan is a second grader who excels at whatever she does. Jordan scored a goal yesterday at soccer and she was so proud (yeah, I was too). We did some shopping to celebrate! That kid was born to shop (I just don't know where she gets it???). Josh's brain wraps around stuff I can't even fathom. We do have some very interesting philosophical discussions. When he starts talking economics or some mathematical theory, my mind shuts down. But, when we talk about movies, relationships or metaphysics, I just love it! Both of my kids are great and I take a very small amount of credit for that.

"Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father: prepare to die." Mandy Patinkin in The Princess Bride

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