Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Happy Colon

What an interesting title. Mark had his colonoscopy today and all went well. The last couple of days have been hectic with making sure he was ready and trying to hide all evidence of food from him (he had to fast to prepare for the procedure). The doctor said all looked good and there would be some pathology results to come, but he was confident that everything was in order.

Now we just have to get his mouth healed and continue working on the pre-cancer sun spots on his scalp. What a year he is having! Of course my last year was weird also. Pregnant in the spring, miscarriage in the summer, tubal in the fall and hernia repair in the winter (a result of the tubal). But my health, except for the skin issues, has been good since then. We have changed over a great deal of our eating to organic...and even when it's not organic we are still sticking with fruits, veggies, meats, dairy and some grains. We have both lost weight and feel pretty good. (Okay, I know the mocha frappacinno's are not organic, but they are my one thing that I indulge in...well...everyday, but still they know me at Starbucks and they can't live without me!)

Work is going okay (blech!). I really should have been a "kept" woman. I like being the mommy and going on field trips and taking care of everything at home much better than having to provide an income. I am still waiting for Tucker and Company to get up and running so perhaps that can be my contribution instead of having to answer to someone else. I need autonomy. Being micro-managed stresses me out. Plus, at my age, I am really snappy and don't care too much what everybody else thinks. I liked working for Eric because he would just send 20 emails a day with everything he needed. And he only called a couple of times a week. He also gave me carte blanche on most projects. Ahhh, those were the days!

Tell me, O Octopus, I begs,
Is those things arms, or is they legs?
I marvel at thee, Octopus;
If I were thou, I'd call me us.

Ogden Nash (a great American Poet!)

1 comment:

Abby said...

Hey Chris...Stacey here (Mark's better half). Have you heard of the maker's diet by Jordan Rubin? You should check it out. Our health is improving so much by following the eating guidelines. And, Dr. Rubin actually had Crohne's and has completely recovered. It's not a weird diet or anything like that...it's really just common sense stuff.