Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Who am I?

For the next several posts, I think I will tell a little bit about who I am with all my deep, dark secrets and facts about my family and my life. My name is Stacey and I was born in 1961. That puts me somewhere in my forties (although, without a calculator I can never remember 40-what). I have lived most of my life in and around Atlanta. I have been married twice. I have two kids...although I have been pregnant six times. I have two dogs (which count as kids). I work from home part-time.

I am very organized, but not a clean freak. I love to eat out when I get the chance. I have many dreams and aspirations. One is to tend a garden (veggies and flowers). Right now, finances don't permit, but one day I will spend all my free time "playing in the dirt". Another aspiration is to finish a novel I started a few years ago. The outline of the book is ready as are many chapters. It just takes a very long time to write 75 - 100,000 words!

If I could live my life over there are many things I would do differently. I would absolutely finish college. If I had the money and the time, I would go back to school right now!

I love to see beautiful sunrises and sunsets with lots of clouds and color. I love seeing geese fly in formation. I love the mountains and the ocean. I used to love roller coasters, but now they kinda make me nauseated.

I am not pretty or skinny or mensa smart. But, I do love people and animals. My grandfather used to say you could judge a man's character by how he treats animals. There is also a Bible verse that states pretty much the same thing. And I totally agree with that concept.

"I think there's just one kind of folks. Folks." - Scout, To Kill a Mockingbird

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