Saturday, June 03, 2006


Well, we finally made it to the Renaissance Festival! The last couple of weeks have been so busy and I haven't had time to blog and I miss it! My sister had surgery last week and is doing very well. She had a condition I call droopy brain. But, her brain is now lifted and it's quite perky!

The festival was great. So many interesting people and things to do. We watched the joust and some very funny jugglers. We shopped and then shopped some more! I really wanted to buy a "wench" outfit complete with bustier, but they were extremely pricey. Maybe next year. Jordan got a wooden sword and shield combo. She is such a tomboy sometimes. I guess that's better than having her be all frou, frou. Girls that act silly and are high maintenance drive me crazy. I always told Josh when he was growing up that I would like any one he brought home as long as they weren't a bimbo. I am so glad he is dating Jenn. She is getting her biology degree and has her head on straight.

I have had some observations in the last couple of weeks. One is that there are times that I feel like I am God's favorite. I will see or experience something and I am sure He has done it just for me. I really don't believe this is true, but it feels that way at times. Of course there are those other times when I am sure He is extremely mad at me for my behavior and He is going to take my name off the list. But, then I get another glorious sunrise or sunset, the mountains, the ocean or those geese flying in formation and I remember that He really does love me. Speaking of the ocean - I just love it. And you can't experience the ocean in a picture. You have to feel the spray and wind on your face and taste the salty air and hear the seagulls and the waves. I really need to go even if only for a weekend. Everyone needs the "beach" experience when they can get there.

Observation dos. The other day I was flipping through the channels and I stopped on a Braves game. I closed my eyes for a few moments and I was taken back 35 or so years to my Grandparents house in Hapeville. My Grandfather used to listen to the "ballgame" on the radio. He always called them "ballgames". And you didn't bother him during those times. He loved the Braves long before they did anything great (well, in Atlanta anyway). You also didn't bother my Grandmother during Lawrence Welk. I miss my grandparents very much. It seems like the family is shrinking day by day.

Observation tres. Okay, this one is kinda negative. A new Publix shopping center opened near my house. I love going there because it is so convenient for me. The negative thing is that in this shopping center there is a mailing store and it is called - are you ready for this??? Goin' Postal. Now if that ain't the tackiest name for a store, I don't know what is. And I looked them up on the internet and they are actually a chain! Get your tacky-named franchise here!!! I have a sense of humor, but some things are just bad taste. Do a Monty Python sketch, but don't put a sign above the door!

"Go through your phone book, call people and ask them to drive you to the airport. The ones who will drive you are your true friends. The rest aren't bad people; they're just acquaintances." - Jay Leno

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