Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My battle with acid reflux

Wow! It has been a long time since I have posted! I am still in school. I have been through some things over the last couple of years which I will relate as time goes by. But first I want to keep track of what I am doing right now. I am going off prilosec. Now to many this may not seem like a big deal. However, I have been on this medication for several years and my body is very attached. The reason I am breaking the habit is because we have been doing the organic (well, mostly organic) thing for several years and this is the last medication that I am taking. I have attempted to stop taking the drug several times over the last couple of years and each time has been a nightmare. Then, last Saturday (March 8, 2008), I didn't take anything (multi vitamins, iron, etc.) because I was having a "veg" day. Then on Sunday , I forgot to take the prilosec and amazingly enough - I felt okay! So, I decided that this was it - I was going to stop taking it for good.

Now, for the last few years I have been researching just how to "cure" acid reflux and have found lots and lots of advice and ideas. Monday morning I made sure I had plenty of apples, apple cider vinegar capsules and Stomach Comfort (a natural antacid by Nature's Sunshine). So far, I have good moments and bad. I am taking a lot of the Stomach Comfort. I went to the health food store today and got some digestive enzymes. More research revealed that digestive enzymes and probiotics also help the stomach return to normal. I already have probiotics in the fridge so I am going to try that for a few days and see if I can avoid some of the discomfort. I plan to take the probiotics twice a day and the enzymes with each of my meals. There is actually a name for what I am experiencing that is called "Acid Rebound". Because I have been on the medication for so long, my stomach doesn't properly produce acid. Now that I have taken away the drug, my tummy is in overdrive. Even though the "medication" was originally a prescription, it is now an OTC so I will continue to call it a "drug" or "medication".

You know the drug companies are bloody brilliant to come up with a way to keep you addicted FOR LIFE to medications. I could make a few other choice comments about the drug companies (maybe we should call them "cartels") but since I am a "lady" I will withhold my thoughts.

While I was at the health food store I also bought some ph strips to test my acidity. I tested in two ways - saliva and the...uhm...other way. Both showed that my ph balance were in a good range. So I am not too acidic (some may disagree - leave a message if you must). My research also revealed that the rebound can take from one month to several months to recover. So, I will keep pressing on and hopefully return to normal (or as close to normal as I can be - remember this is physical normal not abby normal so please save those snide comments!).

Well, must dash. I really hope that I will be diligent and keep posting as much as possible and perhaps my road to recovery will help others.

I have a major spanish exam on Friday so I must rest my abby normal brain in order to do well. Wish me success with my reflux recovery and my exam!

A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don't need it.
- Bob Hope

Friday, September 29, 2006

To da island, mon...

We just got back from Jekyll Island last week and we had the most wonderful time. I have to say that the reason I loved it is because the Georgia coast is all about conservation. They have kept the barrier islands as natural as possible. There is a bike path that we rode nearly the entire distance - almost 20 miles in two days. My tush was very sore, but the riding was fun. To see more images visit my Flickr site, but here is one of my favorites.

One thing that isn't in my pictures is the Love Bugs. They were swarming while we were at the coast. Only in the afternoon and not on the beach...but still. I had never encountered them before. It did open the door to have some "birds and bees and lovebug" discussions with my 9-year old. She has determined that the act of sex is disgusting and isn't anywhere on her agenda. I hope she feels the same when she is 16!

I miss blogging. School has absolutely got me busy. I have to think much harder than I did 30 years ago! I am enjoying it, however, and I hope to teach when I am finished. That is quite a ways off, though, so for now I just think about tiny time frames - this semester, this week, this minute. It keeps me from going MORE insane! The most important thing is to maintain that sense of humor!

"Waste not fresh tears over old griefs." - Euripides

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Dust off those saddle oxfords

Well, gang, I have taken the plunge and returned to college. My posts will be very few and far between, but I just wanted to let y'all know that I am alive and well (and probably tired and stressed - I hate tests!). I am taking sociology, world history and PE (yep, I said PE). These classes will give me enough credits to get the Hope scholarship next semester. Please feel free to email me and I will write back. I will continue to monitor Israelisms and the all the gang there.

I love all my blog readers (okay, both of them - lol). Be blessed and drop me a line from time to time. S.

"I'm wearing make-up, I lost a few pounds, I didn't name names before a senate committee!" - Barbara Streisand as Rose Morgan in "The Mirror Has Two Faces"

Friday, July 21, 2006

Why I sneeze a lot

This is what happens to my spot when I get out of bed in the mornings. Zelda is the creamy colored one and she is named after a video game. She is a little goofy and klutzy.

Cassie is the black, pretentious, prima donna who is named after a dragon on Dragon Tales (we got her when Jordan was quite young). She cannot be troubled with peasants such as EVERYBODY ELSE IN THE FAMILY!!!

I love them both. They are scottish, after all. They long for the day when they can roam the moors.

Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read. - Groucho Marx

Rode Hard and Hung Up Wet

Pardon the equestrian euphemism, but that is how I feel after a day at Six Flags! My kid - my "get dizzy at the top of the stairs" kid is a roller coaster queen...just like her mom USED TO BE!!! I was forced to ride a couple. I rode the Batman ride and survived, but it did not feel wonderful. I also rode the Scream Machine. Funny, I don't remember it hurting that bad 25 years ago. And even though I have lost weight in the last few sure was difficult fitting my tush in those little roller coaster seats! I feel completely hung over! And then we rode Thunder River and of course we bore the brunt of the waterfall. We were drenched and my shoes squished the rest of the day. Did I mention it was hot? Don't you just love summer in Georgia? They should hand out little oxygen tanks at the gate! I just don't think I am cut out for amusement parks anymore.

The Saturday morning Doggie Playtime issue was resolved. The "no pets allowed" signs were removed and we can continue to meet there until the new dog park is complete. I have been taking Zelda and Cassie now. Although, Cassie has to stay on leash much of the time. She has "big-dog" syndrome.

As I continue to pursue life away from my desk, I looked into opening a Three Dogs Bakery in Atlanta, but I don't have the few hundred thousand to tackle that project. So, in lieu of anything else, I have decided to go back to school. I will take one class a semester for the time being. And, I am majoring in English. I hate business and management (blech!). And math just ain't my thing. I love to read and I love to write (I really am going to finish that novel some day), so English wins! Woo Hoo!

Lee, I just saw your comments! I have been remiss in tending my blog, but have been checking Israelisms every hour! I have enjoyed the debate going on and I wonder if Adrienne and Greg are really just trying to be the antithesis or truly feel the way they project. If so, I can't believe people are so naive. But, I guess the media and the world view seems to be anti-Israel. What a bunch of bozos! One day they will know the truth and if it wasn't for me being a good Christian girl, I would just laugh and laugh (did I say that out loud???).

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. - Albert Einstein

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Dogs, Fish, and Gardens

Is there anybody in there??? Pardon me Roger Waters for changing the lyrics just a bit, but I have been awol for quite some time! I always think, "if I just finish this or finish that" then my life will calm down and be serene. Serenity has yet to show itself. Not that the activities of late haven't been fun. They have. But, I keep looking just beyond that horizon for a simple, uncomplicated life. I have a glimmer of hope that it will materialize. Stay tuned to this blog and we can find out together if that ever happens.

Now, what have we been up to. Well, several weeks ago, Jordan and I graced our local theater group for a performance of The Secret Garden. It was really quite good. I don't think Jordan enjoyed it as much as I. She teased me for crying at the end. I loved the book as a child and I continue to love the story as an adult. She enjoyed the book, but I don't think she understood the musical aspect of the production. I am sure she will as she gets older.

On Saturdays we have begun going to the dog's morning out. We take Zelda mostly, because even though she is a bit shy, she is not as aggressive as Cassie. Cassie did go with us last week and as one gentleman pointed out, Cassie is not being aggressive. She is merely saying in dog..."Get out of my space!" All that attend are dog people. There is something about that connection. The whole "must love dogs" thing I guess. We are in a bit of difficulty right now as the park where we meet has been made off limits to pets. We are looking for a temporary spot until the new dog park opens. I have been in touch with my local commissioner and hopefully with the efforts of other group members contacting the people in government that they know, we will soon have a place to take our animals.

And finally, we went to the aquarium. I had been wanting to go so much. It was wonderful. From the dramatic belugas and whale sharks to the ever so cute otters and penguins - every exhibit was spectacular. Afterwards we went to Atlantic Station for coffee and dessert. And then we swung by Hapeville to look at lofts that are being converted from an old school. In fact the whole area is to be revamped. And, according to a friend of mine, the soon to be closed Ford plant will hopefully be turned into an Atlantic Station-type area. If we are going to move, we had better do it soon before property values are overwhelming. If I didn't have Jordan, I would probably go for the loft. But, I think a single family home would suit us better.

And one more thought (does this chick ever stop talking???). More and more I want to get away from a "desk" job. Even though I work from home - which is great...I still want something different. For many years I have toyed with an idea that is now predominate in my head. I have always wanted to take several of my best dishes and do a weekday lunch delivery for local businesses. It would be classified as catering and I have pursued what must be done. Unfortunately, in order to procure this occupation, I must have a separate kitchen from my family kitchen. It seems the state and the county have some crazy notions about public health. It seems, so far anyway, that I run into a roadblock at every turn. I am not giving up however. It's a good idea and there are others who have succeeded before me. I need cash...the hard, cold kind. I am exploring avenues to gain this elusive wealth and will keep my dear readers up to the minute.

"Try to live your life so that you wouldn't be afraid to sell the family parrot to the town gossip." Will Rogers (1879 - 1935)

Saturday, June 03, 2006


Well, we finally made it to the Renaissance Festival! The last couple of weeks have been so busy and I haven't had time to blog and I miss it! My sister had surgery last week and is doing very well. She had a condition I call droopy brain. But, her brain is now lifted and it's quite perky!

The festival was great. So many interesting people and things to do. We watched the joust and some very funny jugglers. We shopped and then shopped some more! I really wanted to buy a "wench" outfit complete with bustier, but they were extremely pricey. Maybe next year. Jordan got a wooden sword and shield combo. She is such a tomboy sometimes. I guess that's better than having her be all frou, frou. Girls that act silly and are high maintenance drive me crazy. I always told Josh when he was growing up that I would like any one he brought home as long as they weren't a bimbo. I am so glad he is dating Jenn. She is getting her biology degree and has her head on straight.

I have had some observations in the last couple of weeks. One is that there are times that I feel like I am God's favorite. I will see or experience something and I am sure He has done it just for me. I really don't believe this is true, but it feels that way at times. Of course there are those other times when I am sure He is extremely mad at me for my behavior and He is going to take my name off the list. But, then I get another glorious sunrise or sunset, the mountains, the ocean or those geese flying in formation and I remember that He really does love me. Speaking of the ocean - I just love it. And you can't experience the ocean in a picture. You have to feel the spray and wind on your face and taste the salty air and hear the seagulls and the waves. I really need to go even if only for a weekend. Everyone needs the "beach" experience when they can get there.

Observation dos. The other day I was flipping through the channels and I stopped on a Braves game. I closed my eyes for a few moments and I was taken back 35 or so years to my Grandparents house in Hapeville. My Grandfather used to listen to the "ballgame" on the radio. He always called them "ballgames". And you didn't bother him during those times. He loved the Braves long before they did anything great (well, in Atlanta anyway). You also didn't bother my Grandmother during Lawrence Welk. I miss my grandparents very much. It seems like the family is shrinking day by day.

Observation tres. Okay, this one is kinda negative. A new Publix shopping center opened near my house. I love going there because it is so convenient for me. The negative thing is that in this shopping center there is a mailing store and it is called - are you ready for this??? Goin' Postal. Now if that ain't the tackiest name for a store, I don't know what is. And I looked them up on the internet and they are actually a chain! Get your tacky-named franchise here!!! I have a sense of humor, but some things are just bad taste. Do a Monty Python sketch, but don't put a sign above the door!

"Go through your phone book, call people and ask them to drive you to the airport. The ones who will drive you are your true friends. The rest aren't bad people; they're just acquaintances." - Jay Leno

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Soccer days come to an end

Jordan got two goals today...I was so excited! This was the last game of the season. We had a pizza party afterwards and the kids got their trophies. It was a great season with a great coach. We also loved the teammates and their parents. I hope next spring will be as good. Jordan will be moving up to the next league and the competition will increase, I am sure. She is dedicated, but not very aggressive. She is too polite to take the ball away from the other team. It's funny how we teach our kids to be polite everywhere until they take the field and then we want a blood bath.

We were going to the Hapeville street party last night, but we were just too tired. I really wanted to go and had been looking forward to it for months. We will definitely hit some of the concerts this summer. Next weekend we are going to the Renaissance Festival. We have not been able to go because of soccer, but now we will get our chance and I am looking forward to that as well.

I will be glad to be back at church tomorrow. Only one week missed and I feel like I have been away forever! Two weeks ago I did the sound board and I have to say that even though those "5 million" knobs are intimidating, I don't have to concentrate as hard as I do when I run the slideshow. Once everyone is happy with their highs, lows and monitor levels, then I can kind of relax whereas when I do the slides I have to really pay attention in case somebody decides to sing something different than the norm. Which does happen more often than not. But I do enjoy working on the tech team. It keeps me busy and keeps me from making excuses not to go.

Another tid if four phones were not the creme de la creme of communication, now I can add skype to my list of devices. We added skype in order to join the Israelisms group podcast coming up in June. So now, I have another headset in my pile of tangled wires. Oh joy!

"Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Mark Twain