Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My battle with acid reflux

Wow! It has been a long time since I have posted! I am still in school. I have been through some things over the last couple of years which I will relate as time goes by. But first I want to keep track of what I am doing right now. I am going off prilosec. Now to many this may not seem like a big deal. However, I have been on this medication for several years and my body is very attached. The reason I am breaking the habit is because we have been doing the organic (well, mostly organic) thing for several years and this is the last medication that I am taking. I have attempted to stop taking the drug several times over the last couple of years and each time has been a nightmare. Then, last Saturday (March 8, 2008), I didn't take anything (multi vitamins, iron, etc.) because I was having a "veg" day. Then on Sunday , I forgot to take the prilosec and amazingly enough - I felt okay! So, I decided that this was it - I was going to stop taking it for good.

Now, for the last few years I have been researching just how to "cure" acid reflux and have found lots and lots of advice and ideas. Monday morning I made sure I had plenty of apples, apple cider vinegar capsules and Stomach Comfort (a natural antacid by Nature's Sunshine). So far, I have good moments and bad. I am taking a lot of the Stomach Comfort. I went to the health food store today and got some digestive enzymes. More research revealed that digestive enzymes and probiotics also help the stomach return to normal. I already have probiotics in the fridge so I am going to try that for a few days and see if I can avoid some of the discomfort. I plan to take the probiotics twice a day and the enzymes with each of my meals. There is actually a name for what I am experiencing that is called "Acid Rebound". Because I have been on the medication for so long, my stomach doesn't properly produce acid. Now that I have taken away the drug, my tummy is in overdrive. Even though the "medication" was originally a prescription, it is now an OTC so I will continue to call it a "drug" or "medication".

You know the drug companies are bloody brilliant to come up with a way to keep you addicted FOR LIFE to medications. I could make a few other choice comments about the drug companies (maybe we should call them "cartels") but since I am a "lady" I will withhold my thoughts.

While I was at the health food store I also bought some ph strips to test my acidity. I tested in two ways - saliva and the...uhm...other way. Both showed that my ph balance were in a good range. So I am not too acidic (some may disagree - leave a message if you must). My research also revealed that the rebound can take from one month to several months to recover. So, I will keep pressing on and hopefully return to normal (or as close to normal as I can be - remember this is physical normal not abby normal so please save those snide comments!).

Well, must dash. I really hope that I will be diligent and keep posting as much as possible and perhaps my road to recovery will help others.

I have a major spanish exam on Friday so I must rest my abby normal brain in order to do well. Wish me success with my reflux recovery and my exam!

A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don't need it.
- Bob Hope

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