Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Dust off those saddle oxfords

Well, gang, I have taken the plunge and returned to college. My posts will be very few and far between, but I just wanted to let y'all know that I am alive and well (and probably tired and stressed - I hate tests!). I am taking sociology, world history and PE (yep, I said PE). These classes will give me enough credits to get the Hope scholarship next semester. Please feel free to email me and I will write back. I will continue to monitor Israelisms and the all the gang there.

I love all my blog readers (okay, both of them - lol). Be blessed and drop me a line from time to time. S.

"I'm wearing make-up, I lost a few pounds, I didn't name names before a senate committee!" - Barbara Streisand as Rose Morgan in "The Mirror Has Two Faces"