Friday, July 21, 2006

Why I sneeze a lot

This is what happens to my spot when I get out of bed in the mornings. Zelda is the creamy colored one and she is named after a video game. She is a little goofy and klutzy.

Cassie is the black, pretentious, prima donna who is named after a dragon on Dragon Tales (we got her when Jordan was quite young). She cannot be troubled with peasants such as EVERYBODY ELSE IN THE FAMILY!!!

I love them both. They are scottish, after all. They long for the day when they can roam the moors.

Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read. - Groucho Marx

Rode Hard and Hung Up Wet

Pardon the equestrian euphemism, but that is how I feel after a day at Six Flags! My kid - my "get dizzy at the top of the stairs" kid is a roller coaster queen...just like her mom USED TO BE!!! I was forced to ride a couple. I rode the Batman ride and survived, but it did not feel wonderful. I also rode the Scream Machine. Funny, I don't remember it hurting that bad 25 years ago. And even though I have lost weight in the last few sure was difficult fitting my tush in those little roller coaster seats! I feel completely hung over! And then we rode Thunder River and of course we bore the brunt of the waterfall. We were drenched and my shoes squished the rest of the day. Did I mention it was hot? Don't you just love summer in Georgia? They should hand out little oxygen tanks at the gate! I just don't think I am cut out for amusement parks anymore.

The Saturday morning Doggie Playtime issue was resolved. The "no pets allowed" signs were removed and we can continue to meet there until the new dog park is complete. I have been taking Zelda and Cassie now. Although, Cassie has to stay on leash much of the time. She has "big-dog" syndrome.

As I continue to pursue life away from my desk, I looked into opening a Three Dogs Bakery in Atlanta, but I don't have the few hundred thousand to tackle that project. So, in lieu of anything else, I have decided to go back to school. I will take one class a semester for the time being. And, I am majoring in English. I hate business and management (blech!). And math just ain't my thing. I love to read and I love to write (I really am going to finish that novel some day), so English wins! Woo Hoo!

Lee, I just saw your comments! I have been remiss in tending my blog, but have been checking Israelisms every hour! I have enjoyed the debate going on and I wonder if Adrienne and Greg are really just trying to be the antithesis or truly feel the way they project. If so, I can't believe people are so naive. But, I guess the media and the world view seems to be anti-Israel. What a bunch of bozos! One day they will know the truth and if it wasn't for me being a good Christian girl, I would just laugh and laugh (did I say that out loud???).

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. - Albert Einstein